CLE Accredited Courses

“I highly recommend the GPR training program. The presenters demonstrated exceptional knowledge and provided valuable insights, enhancing my understanding of complex geopolitical issues. Their in-depth exploration of historical contexts added immense value, making the learning experience both comprehensive and enlightening.”
Sebastian de la Puente
Shearman & Sterling LLP


Geopolitical Risk Courses

  • 1 MCLE Credit Courses on Geopolitical Risk Intelligence (participatory credits)

  • These are 1 hour On-Demand Courses; take them anytime at your own pace!

  • No pre-requisites needed!

  • Courses easily fit into your schedule at your pace

Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys – Part I: Institutions, Culture and Influence

Introduction to Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part II International Sanctions and Regulatory Risk

Introduction to Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part III Corporate and Economic Espionage

Introduction to Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part IV Corruption and Bad Actors

Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys Part V Energy Geopolitics and the War in Ukraine

Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys - Part VI Inflation and Recession Risk

Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys – Part VII The Future of Europe

Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys - Part VIII Focus on China

Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part IX Intelligence and Investigations

Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part X Market Intelligence and Competition

Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part XI Competitor Intelligence and Trade Secrets

Geopolitical Risk For Attorneys – Part XII ESG Intelligence Investigations and Responsible Investing

We deliver trust, integrity, and accurate results. We focus on a Best Practices approach and deliver high quality results in detailed, easy-to-read reports.


Solving Risk Before It Starts™™

Welcome to Infortal's comprehensive suite of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses, designed to equip executives, attorneys and risk managers with the essential knowledge and strategic insights to navigate the intricate landscape of geopolitical risk.

Our introductory to intermediate level classes serve as an ideal starting point, we cover a range of topics such as international sanctions, regulatory risks, corporate espionage, AML, global warfare, anti-terrorist financing and corruption.

By participating in these classes you'll gain a solid foundation in understanding the geopolitical factors that can shape legal landscapes, helping you make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks for your clients.

New GeoRisk Center™

Membership Levels
Checkout our new GeoRisk Center™
Geopolitical Risk Courses
CLE Accredited
Checkout our new GeoRisk Center™ where we offer several exclusive membership options!

All Membership Levels give you annual accesss to hundreds of unique geopolitical risk Intelligence Reports.
billed annually
10% Discount on All Classes
Access to Intelligence Reports Unique Intel Reports Updated Weekly
billed annually
15% Discount on All Classes
All Bronze membership perks
Global Heat Map of Key Geopolitical Risks
Annual Geopolitical Risk White Paper
Bi-Monthly News Bulletins
billed annually
25% Discount on All Classes
All Silver membership perks
Custom Analysis and Geopolitical Risk Assessment
2hr annual Consult With a Geopolitical Risk Expert
Checkout our new GeoRisk Center™ where we offer several exclusive membership options!

All Membership Levels give you annual accesss to hundreds of unique geopolitical risk Intelligence Reports.
billed annually
Single Class
Intro Package
Classes 1-4
Intro Package
Classes 1-8
Intro Package
Classes 1-12
Each 1 hour course satisfies 1 MCLE Credit
State Bar of California accredited
Courses provide Participatory Credit
24/7 on-demand viewing
Downloadable Slide decks & Course Materials
Invoice available Online
Ad-free content
Volume-based discounts available

Why Is Geopolitical Risk Important For You?

Geopolitical Risk

Risk management at the intersection of economics, politics, and business risk intelligence.

Investors and International M&A

If your operational due diligence plan/checklist does not include geopolitical risk analysis, then you are missing a major piece of the risk analysis puzzle. Our courses provide you with an understanding of how to approach geopolitical risk analysis.


Geopolitical Risk Miscalculations can lead to costly Reputational harm. Our courses will help you recognize emerging risks.

Sanctions Risks

Does your client have partnerships with companies or individuals overseas? Understanding Geopolitical Risk is critical to avoiding FCPA and Sanctions violations.

Supply Chain Risks

Does your company have international customers or supplies coming in from overseas? If so, it is critical to make sure they are protected from risks coming from geopolitical changes. Our courses provide an overview of how to understand geopolitical risk analysis.

Our courses hit on strategically important topics, including international sanctions risk, competitive intelligence, economic espionage, and open source intelligence (OSINT) gathering



Agenda for Introductory Courses:

I. Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys Part I: Institutions, Culture & Influence

This is part one of a four-part series called Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys. The
four-part series will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how emerging
geopolitical risks can impact their clients and their clients’ businesses.

Part 1A: Introduction (15mins)
Part 1A will provide an overview of the current geopolitical risk landscape and focus in on how to
advise clients about the impact to their businesses. The discussion will also center on dealing
with emerging risks.

Part 1B: Institutions (15 mins)
Part 1B will focus on how governing institutions and non-governmental organizations can impact
geopolitical risk levels.

Part 1C: Culture and Influence (15 mins)
Part 1C will focus on how culture and various actors can impact geopolitical risk levels for clients’

Part 1D: Examples and Strategy (15 mins)
Part 1D will examine case examples and review how to assess potential geopolitical risks that
can impact your client’s business.

Note: Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of

II. Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys Part II: International Sanctions and Regulatory Risk

This is part two of a four-part series called Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys. The four-
part series will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how emerging geopolitical
risks can impact their clients and their clients’ businesses.

Part 1A: Introduction (15mins)
Part 1A will provide an overview of the key regulatory bodies covering international sanctions and
regulatory risk. This section will also cover the key drivers for regulatory change, including case

Part 1B: How Sanctions Work (15 mins)
Part 1B will focus on how international sanctions regimes work and the strategies employed.

Part 1C: Sanctions Impact (15 mins)
Part 1C will focus on the impact international sanctions can have on businesses and various
industries. The discussion will include case studies.

Part 1D: Sanctions Violations and Enforcement (15 mins)
Part 1D will examine techniques employed by bad actors to avoid sanctions and how
governmental organizations enforce international sanctions.

Note: Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online.
A PowerPoint presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with acertificate of completion.

III. Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys Part III: Corporate and Economic Espionage

This is part three of a four-part series called Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys. The
four-part series will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how emerging
geopolitical risks can impact their clients and their clients’ businesses.

Part 3A: Legal Framework for Economic Espionage (15mins)
Part 3A will provide an overview of the key legal framework covering economic espionage and
introduce participants to the recent examples of economic espionage occurring in the US.

Part 3B: How to Identify Economic Espionage (15 mins)
Part 3B will focus on how to define and identify cases of economic espionage.

Part 3C: Current Economic Espionage Landscape (15 mins)
Part 3C will focus on current economic espionage risks levels in the US and the drivers behind
increased risk.

Part 3D: Economic Espionage Mitigation Strategy (15 mins)
Part 3D will examine how attorneys can advise their clients about economic espionage threats
and cover mitigation strategies.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

IV. Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys Part IV: Corruption and Bad Actors

This is part four of a four-part series called Introduction to Geopolitical Risk for Attorneys. The
four-part series will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how emerging
geopolitical risks can impact their clients and their clients’ businesses.

Part 4A: Corruption – Legal Framework and Definition (15mins)
Part 4A will provide an overview of the legal framework covering corruption in the US and
examine how corruption is defined.

Part 4B: International Corruption Trends (15 mins)
Part 4B will focus on the current corruption risk landscape around the world including how risk
levels are determined.

Part 4C: Impact of Corruption (15 mins)
Part 4C will focus on the impact of corruption and crime on businesses in the US and the legal

Part 4D: Mitigation Strategies (15 mins)
Part 4D will examine case examples and look at how to advise clients about mitigation strategies
aimed at avoiding corruption risks.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of

V. Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys: Energy Geopolitics and the War in Ukraine

This course is part of a series of courses focused on highlighting cutting edge Geopolitical Risk
Issues for Attorneys. These courses are designed to provide attorneys with a deeper
understanding of how geopolitical risk issues can impact their clients’ businesses.


Part A: Introduction to the Geopolitics of Energy and Supply Chain (15 mins)
Part A will provide an introduction to the geopolitics of energy and the impact to international
supply chains.

Part B: History of the Russia – Ukraine War (15 mins)
Part B will focus on the history of the region and conditions leading up to the Russia – Ukraine

Part C: International Impact of the Russia – Ukraine War (15 mins)
Part C will focus on the geopolitical impact of the Russia – Ukraine War on Europe, Africa, and
the Middle East with a focus on international economics and the regulatory landscape.

Part D: Impact of the Russia – Ukraine Conflict on Business(15 mins)
Part D will examine the impact of the Russia – Ukraine conflict on business operations and risk
management strategy. This will involve an examination of the legal authorities relevant to this
topic and the available course materials.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit.
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

VI. Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys: Inflation and Recession Risk

This course is part of a series of courses focused on highlighting cutting edge Geopolitical Risk
Issues for Attorneys. These courses are designed to provide attorneys with a deeper
understanding of how geopolitical risk issues can impact their clients’ businesses.

Part A: Introduction (15mins)
Part A will provide an overview of what drives inflation and recession risks. The discussion will
examine how recent events have impacted inflation and recession risk.

Part B: Why Inflation is a Geopolitical Risk (15 mins)
Part B will focus on illustrating why inflation is also a geopolitical risk that can impact government
decision making.

Part C: How Governments Manage Inflation and Recession Risk (15 mins)
Part C will focus on examining the factors that governments must consider when trying to limit the
impacts of inflation and recession risks.

Part D: Legal Framewok: US Monetary Policy and The Federal Reserve (15 mins)
Part D will examine how the US Federal Reserve works to manage US monetary policy. This will
include an examination of the Federal Reserve to Act, which provides the Federal Reserve with
the authority to act.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit.
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

VII. Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys: The Future of Europe

This course is part of a series of courses focused on highlighting cutting edge Geopolitical Risk
Issues for Attorneys. These courses are designed to provide attorneys with a deeper
understanding of how geopolitical risk issues can impact their clients’ businesses.

Part A: Introduction and History (15mins)
Part A will provide an overview of the formation of the European Union and a look at recent
governmental challenges.

Part B: Brexit and Public Sentiment (15 mins)
Part B will focus on examining the European Union institution through the lens of Brexit and the
possibility of further fractions.

Part C: Economic and Geopolitical Risks (20 mins)
Part C will focus on how economic and geopolitical risk challenges faced by the European Union.

Part D: European Union Governance (10 mins)
Part D will examine the legal authorities relevant to this topic and how to conduct research into
emerging European Union regulations and case law.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit.
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

VIII. Geopolitical Risk Issues for Attorneys: Focus on China

This course is part of a series of courses focused on highlighting cutting edge Geopolitical Risk
Issues for Attorneys. These courses are designed to provide attorneys with a deeper
understanding of how geopolitical risk issues can impact their clients’ businesses.

Part A: Introduction (15mins)
Part A will provide an introduction to the modern history of the Chinese government and strategic

Part B: Economic Evolution (15 mins)
Part B will focus on illustrating the how the modern Chinese economy is shaped by strategic
geopolitical goals.

Part C: Geopolitical Risks (15 mins)
Part C will focus on understanding the impact that China has on the current geopolitical
landscape. The discussion will also center on how US businesses can deal with emerging risks.

Part D: TITLE (15 mins)
Part D will examine the legal authorities relevant to the US approach to protecting the US
Economy from interference and combatting Chinese efforts to strengthen militarily.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit.
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

IX. Intelligence and Investigations

This course is one of several courses available in a series of classes covering intelligence-
based investigations. The classes will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of
how intelligence-based investigations can help their clients and their clients’ businesses avoid
a wide range of business risks.

Part A: Introduction (15mins)
Part A will provide an overview of how intelligence and intelligence-based investigations are
useful for clients and their businesses in avoiding unnecessary business risks. The discussion will
also focus on defining open-source intelligence.

Part B: Intelligence-Based Investigation – Application (15 mins)
Part B will focus on examining when intelligence-based investigations can enhance legal and
business processes.

Part C: The Intelligence-Based Investigation – Lifecycle (15 mins)
Part C will focus on mapping out how to approach setting up and executing an intelligence-based
investigation. This includes examining the process withing various business contexts.

Part D: Case Studies (15 mins)
Part D will focus on case studies to examine situations where businesses have failed to
adequately mitigate business risk and should have conducted intelligence-based investigations.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit.
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

X. Market Intelligence & Competition: International Sanctions and Regulatory Risk

This course is one of several courses available in a series focused on intelligence- based
investigations. The courses will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how to conduct intelligence-based investigations and focus on the impact to their clients and their
clients’ businesses.

Part A: Introduction (15mins)
Part A will define marketing intelligence and provide an overview of how businesses can utilize
intelligence to their advantage.

Part B: Intelligence Collection (15 mins)
Part B will focus on how to collect and analyze relevant intelligence while also emphasizing the
importance of advising clients to avoid anti-competitive behavior in the context of collecting
market intelligence.

Part C: Market Profile (15 mins)
Part C will focus on how to map out a market profile, including a discussion of red flags to look
out for. This section of the course will also include a discussion of case studies.

Part D: Anti-Competition Regulation in the US and the EU (15 mins)
Part D will examine how anti-competition regulation is relevant to gathering market intelligence.
This knowledge is important when advising clients who are conducting competitor intelligence investigations. Part D will also examine the legal authorities relevant to this topic and the available course materials.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit.
The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint
presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

XI. Competitor Intelligence & Trade Secrets

This course is one of several courses available in a series focused on intelligence- based
investigations. The courses will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how to
conduct intelligence-based investigations and focus on the impact to their clients and their
clients’ businesses.

Part A: Introduction (15mins)
Part A will define competitor intelligence and provide an overview of how businesses can utilize
intelligence to their advantage.

Part B: Intelligence Collection (15 mins)
Part B will focus on how to collect and analyze relevant intelligence while also emphasizing the importance of advising clients to avoid anti-competitive behavior.

Part C: Competitor Profile (15 mins)
Part C will focus on how to map out a competitor profile, including a discussion of red flags to look
out for. This section of the course will also include a discussion of case studies.

Part D: Economic Espionage and Trade Secrets (15 mins)
Part D will examine how trade secrets are protected in various jurisdictions. This knowledge is
important when advising clients who are conducting competitor intelligence investigations. Part D
will also examine the legal authorities relevant to this topic and the available course materials.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit. The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

XII. ESG: Intelligence and Investigations.

This course is one of several courses available in a series covering intelligence- based investigations. The classes will equip attorneys with a deeper level understanding of how
intelligence-based investigations can help their clients and their clients’ businesses avoid a wide
range of business risks.

Part A: Introduction (15mins)
Part A will define the different ESG elements and provide an overview of the origins of ESG

Part B: E-S-G Overview (20 mins)
Part B will take a deeper dive into each of the three ESG elements to provide course participants
with a deeper understanding of the meaning behind each of the categories. This section of the
course will also include an examination of case studies.

Part C: ESG – Jurisdictional Considerations (10 mins)
Part C will focus on examining the US political climate surrounding ESG. Part C will also explain
how doing business in different international jurisdictions can impact ESG assessments.

Part D: ESG Regulatory Developments (15 mins)
Part D will focus on the current ESG regulatory landscape and future reporting requirements
going into effect globally. Part D will also examine the legal authorities relevant to this topic and
the available course materials.

Overall Time: 60mins for 1 CLE Credit. The course will be recorded and available for participants to stream online. A PowerPoint presentation and course materials will be provided to each participant along with a certificate of completion.

Instructor Biographies

VP Global Compliance & Investigations at Infortal.

As the Vice President of Global Compliance & Investigations at Infortal Worldwide, Chris Mason leads the International Investigations Team and works with clients to coordinate due diligence investigations to facilitate private equity investment, M&A deal making, and international business expansion.

Mr. Mason is a CAMS certified attorney with over 10+ years of experience focused on investigating financial crime on behalf of the US federal government and a leading global investment bank

Director, Geopolitical Risk at Infortal Worldwide.

As the Director of Geopolitical Risk at Infortal Worldwide, Dr. Ian Oxnevad leads the firm’s Geopolitical Risk Intelligence & Analysis efforts. Ian’s Geopolitical Risk (GPR) thought leadership informs Infortal Worldwide’s GPR training program, due diligence investigations, and geopolitical risk advisory services.

Dr. Oxnevad is a political scientist and political economist by training, where he combined economics with security studies to examine issues of geopolitical risk, economic warfare, intelligence, terrorism, corporate espionage, and money laundering.


Deepen Your Expertise

For those looking to delve deeper into specialized areas, our master classes offer a higher level of expertise. These classes provide advanced techniques and insights to sharpen your legal skills in various domains.
Explore Specialized Topics
ESG: Navigating the Evolving Landscape
Innovative & Flexible
Continuous Professional Development
From intelligence and investigations to market intelligence, competition, and competitor intelligence, our master classes cover a range of subjects tailored to your professional needs. Gain advanced knowledge and techniques to excel in your field.
Our master class on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) delves into the intersection of intelligence, investigations, and responsible investing. Equip yourself with the tools to navigate this evolving landscape and make informed decisions.
Covering a wide spectrum of CLE certified courses, our training and educational programs combine innovative methodologies, knowledgeable instructors and incorporate advanced ‘boots on the ground” perspectives to provide users with realistic geopolitical reviews and enhanced understanding of regional and global geopolitical risk impacts.

Our flexible blended learning approach enables our diverse training portfolio to be delivered with ultimate convenience – at your preferred location, remotely or through digital learning options.
Elevate Your Legal Expertise with Our CLE Courses!
By enrolling in our master classes, you’ll expand your professional horizons, gain a competitive edge, and unlock new opportunities for success. Don’t miss out on this chance to enhance your legal expertise and propel your career forward. Join us today!
At Infortal, we recognize the value of continuous professional development. That’s why our CLE classes have been approved for accreditation by the California State Bar. Enhance your legal expertise while earning valuable CLE credits.

Our CA State Bar accreditation applies to the following states:
Expand Your Professional Horizons Now
Explore the world of geopolitical risk, elevate your legal knowledge, and advance your career by joining our accredited master classes. Seize this opportunity to become a trusted advisor in an increasingly complex global landscape. Stay ahead of the curve and make a lasting impact. Enroll now!

Expand your professional horizons now!

Make an informed decision and invest in your success with Infortal’s CLE Geopolitical risk courses. Enhance your expertise and stay ahead in an ever-changing world.
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