In a world of risk and untapped opportunity, knowledge is power. With boots on the ground investigators and open-sources intelligence (OSINT) collectors in over 160 countries, we can assist you in safeguarding your investments, operations, and M&A activity with intelligence so you can see what others do not.
At Infortal Worldwide, you will work with a dedicated core team of professionals with years of experience in intelligence, law, academia, and investigation who have a worldwide reach to help solve the crisis you face. With Infortal, you won’t get empty advice, but hands-on assistance in solving crisis before it starts and actionable recommendations.
At Infortal Worldwide, we break down the geopolitical country risks and opportunities so you and your executive team avoid liability and your investors avoid losses. Geopolitical risks come in various forms, but we work with you to mitigate crisis and solve crisis before it starts.
With us, you will not get intelligence from basic news sources. We specialize in OSINT Open Source Intelligence gathering to identify hidden and undisclosed key risks. We work with your executive team and legal counsel to identify liabilities using our in-country assets and expert analysts to give you a crystal-clear view of the threats to your profits and reputation.
Supply chains link you to the global economy. Supply chains are more than just your suppliers, but include your access to capital, customers in your target markets, and the companies and workers who supply you with the goods and services you provide. Supply chains are fragile to disruption from war, inefficiency due to macroeconomic conditions, higher costs due to crime and corruption, and can threaten your profitability if they are not reliable and efficient.
With our personnel in over 160 countries, we can identify weak points and risk exposure in your supply chains. In the case of war, crisis, or political pressure, we help you find new suppliers and markets to ensure a continuity and profitability of operations. In your M&A transactions, we go beyond traditional valuation to find the hidden risks and opportunities in your target.
We offer you leverage to negotiate prices beneficial to you and mitigate risks in integration. We harden your supply chains to help ensure your interests weather the storm.
We ensure you avoid sanctions and other regulatory violations through screening new partners, clients and customers.
Sanctions regimes around the world are growing increasingly complex and it is important to make sure you have an adequate screening and due diligence process in place.
Infortal’s rigorous approach to Sanctions Due Diligence coupled with in-country intelligence will make certain your sanctions risk is minimized at every level of your business. You’ll know how to manage emerging sanctions compliance requirements.
Every country is an ecosystem of risk and opportunity.
Infortal’s country risk reports are not cookie cutter reports. They synthesize your business strategy into the analysis providing your company with actionable steps to move ahead with confidence.
With our assets on the ground and our network of experts around the world, we identify your interests in your country of operation and assess the risks to your business from bad actors, instability, and market conditions.
We offer tailored monitoring, threat assessments, and in-country assistance to your business to give advanced warning of crisis, and mitigation once it occurs.
New markets are more than just numbers. Every economy is embedded in culture and carries its own pitfalls and possibilities. We offer you cutting-edge business intelligence powered by the best OSINT analysis available and supported by our boots-on-the-ground assets to verify facts, collect information, and monitor threats.
Our business intelligence gives you the edge you need to outpace your competitors when you enter into a new market.
Geopolitical risks are people risks. Our executive deep-dive due diligence screens your personnel, partners, suppliers, and executives for political exposure, corruption, criminal risks, and lurking threats to your reputation.
With boots on the ground in over 160 countries, executive protection, and analytical techniques, we help protect your business from threats ranging from crime to terrorism, corruption, and corporate espionage.
You do not want to unknowingly provide material support to terrorist groups or malicious state owned enterprises (SOEs) through your business dealings or third party contracts.
Instability is the norm in many countries. Political polarization, ethnic political tension, criminal gangs, and conflicts in the form of civil war, terrorism, and interstate war all create risks and threats to business.
Using Infortal’s in-country investigators, who speak the native language and are familiar with the local political climate, can give you the knowledge you need well in advance to mitigate such a risk.
Infortal offers you a spectrum of services to safeguard your personnel. We offer armed protection services and executive travel protection to ensure that your leadership team and assets are safe. We not only help solve the crisis before it starts; we get you out of it.
In addition contingency planning is key. With our geopolitical risk intelligence, you can establish backup plans for your supply chains in the event of a conflict so you can quickly shift your operational strategies in time to reduce your losses.
Social unrest can halt business operations and pull at your bottom line. However, predicting social movements is complicated and requires on the ground intelligence.
At Infortal, we have expertise in assessing local conditions to provide real time analysis on the likelihood of riots, protests, or even boycotts. Social unrest can also lead to open conflict.
When entering a new market it is critical to get a pulse on the social dynamics that may impact your operations down the road. In depth investigative due diligence combined with business intelligence and boots on the ground investigations will help identify these issues well in advance.
Reputation takes years to develop and carries your brand farther than any ad or marketing campaign. Reputation can also be destroyed in a day, so protecting it is protecting your investment and hard work.
An executive scandal, bad product reviews, or even a targeted campaign by activists or a deepfake by AI can destroy your image.
At Infortal, we help you protect your reputation and business image. We can screen your executives, workers, and corporate partners to ensure best hiring practices and business risk due diligence practices are followed, and your good name is upheld.
We can also assist you in avoiding costly marketing mistakes by screening new products and initiatives in safe focus groups conditioned to market conditions. If you are repairing your reputation, we can give accurate information on the state of your image and how it affects your business by monitoring how your customers and investors view you.
Real time business intelligence from Infortal can identify possible Public Relations risks and scenarios that may harm your company as well as define the likelihood of each risk such as activist groups operating in a country and/or region.
Our advisory services and real-time risk monitoring can protect you from the very worst blows to your reputation before they occur.
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) risks are more than a fad. ESG involves environmental laws, relations between your business and corporate social responsibility, and internal corporate governance.
When you work with Infortal to address your ESG risks, we can assess your supply chains and suppliers for environmental standards, conduct internal audits to identify and rectify shortfalls in governance and compliance, and assist you in crafting and executing plans for good corporate social responsibility.
If your business is involved in international litigation, our intelligence and investigation services will help you win. Not all legal systems ensure good protection of property rights or fair trials. Evidence can be difficult to locate, and certain jurisdictions can place you at an inherent disadvantage. Additionally, you may find that similar prior litigation has occurred or that your reputation or your products are under attack by unidentified parties; we can determine who is causing damage to your reputation. With our expertise, you will be better armed to navigate your crisis and succeed through it.
A detailed report is provided with Executive Summary, conclusions, recommendations and complete attachments. Updates are provided: Two levels of Executive Due Diligence are available, depending on the number of components searched.
Multiple Key Executive checks may be priced at a discounted rate depending on the number of executives included, and whether international components are involved.
Are you prepared to deal with cartels in Mexico or threats to your intellectual property in China
What happens if you intend to do business with a company in a country like China, only to find out after the fact that bribery is simply the standard cost of conducting business?
Did you know that your foreign investments as a company could lead you to commit an actual crime inadvertently?
It’s one thing to familiarize yourself with major international business sanctions such as sanctions against Russia’s energy imports…
What do you do when your business is struck by a public relations crisis that’s entirely NOT your fault?
Whether it’s severe flooding in Thailand that disrupts your technology supply chain network…
If your company was located in the Middle East in 2010 or 2011, you most likely had no idea the Arab Spring revolutions were coming.
It seems unlikely you could ever predict the next terrorist attack unless you have all the resources of the CIA at your disposal.
How do you know if doing business with a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) like China (with its global holding companies) is really safe?
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the perfect, tragic example of what can happen to businesses if you don’t see a war coming long before it actually arrives.