The Infortal Blog

Tag: Reputation Damage

Showcasing the Need for Due Diligence Investigations Reputation is critical in business. Warren Buffet once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” With the advent of social media, the turnaround for good or ill is even faster. Now, […]
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Times are particularly litigious and reputation can rise or fall with a new scandal or questionable behaviors by key executives. The global economy has opened up a world of opportunity: new talent, supply chains, customers, locations, acquisitions, and resources. In the advent of all this, navigating between opportunity and risk has become more perilous and […]
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Lack of Effective Executive Due Diligence and Moderna Preventative care is used to differentiate between detecting health problems before they develop and diagnostic care, or evaluating someone who has known symptoms. Moderna, the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology giant, most famous for developing one of the COVID-19 vaccinations, could have opted for more effective preventative care […]
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There are times when non-profits fail to live up to their mission statement and stray into unethical or illegal activity such as mismanagement, fraud, or embezzlement. Additionally, non-profit executives may have a history of financial crimes, abuse or sexual harassment, amongst other harmful characteristics...
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