Our Podcasts

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Riskology Podcast™

Companies operating in today’s global economy really need to get an understanding of the international geopolitical risk landscape. At Infortal Worldwide we work with our clients on Solving Risk Before It Starts™™. In this podcast series, Infortal founder and CEO Candice Tal and her team will explore how companies can mitigate risks to their business, employees, and assets while maximizing operational success.
Infortal on Global Risk Outlook: Part 1-Dr. Ian Oxnevad on Middle East and Africa
“The dollar’s power, like any currency’s power, is obviously tied to its ability to hold value and people’s interests in actually holding it,” says Dr. Ian Oxnevad, Director of Geopolitical Risk Intelligence for Infortal Worldwide and Tom Fox’s guest on this Riskology by Infortal Special Series. Ian and Tom discuss the current geopolitics of trade within the Middle East, the Abraham Accords, and how these things may affect businesses within the US looking to expand.
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In the final part of this week’s five-part special, Tom Fox discusses supply chain risks with Dr. Ian Oxnevad. He talks about the supply chain from a geopolitical risk perspective and the various steps companies can take to prepare themselves against those risks. Dr. Ian Oxnevad is a political scientist and economist at Infortal Worldwide, […]
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Part 4: Sanctions Intelligence with Chris Mason
This is part 4 of a special 5-part series featuring Infortal Worldwide. Tom Fox and Chris Mason discuss sanctions intelligence. Chris talks about regulation changes concerning sanctions, their impact on the business community, and reputational risk. Chris Mason is with Infortal Worldwide, a global risk firm that provides due diligence services to support key investment […]
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Part 3: Corruption Intelligence with Chris Mason
In part 3 of this week’s five-part special, Tom Fox discusses corruption intelligence with Chris Mason. Chris returns to talk about how organizations can mitigate corruption within their corporate environments and the steps they can take to ensure they comply with regulations. Chris Mason is with Infortal Worldwide, a global risk firm that provides due […]
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Part 2: ESG Intelligence with Chris Mason
In this second episode of the five-part special, Tom Fox discusses ESG intelligence with Chris Mason. They talk about the importance of ESG profiles, meeting regulatory requirements, and what ESG as a whole can do for businesses.  Chris Mason is with Infortal Worldwide, a global risk firm that provides due diligence services to support key […]
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Part 1: Global Risk
In episode one of this five-part special, Tom Fox discusses risk intelligence from a geopolitical perspective. Guest Chris Mason explains the importance of risk assessment and analysis that companies must undertake when engaging in international business and the need for conducting due diligence based on open-source intelligence to uncover and mitigate hidden risks. Chris Mason […]
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Due Diligence

International Due Diligence Investigations: Episode 5 Innovation in Investigative Due Diligence
Over this series, I have been visiting with Candice Tal, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Infortal Worldwide, who sponsored this podcast. We have considered aspects of international due diligence investigations. In many ways this can be viewed as finding a needle in the corporate haystack of information and data. Tal helps us through that maelstrom to find useful and actionable information for your compliance program. In this concluding Part V, we consider how the changing nature of international anti-corruption compliance programs, through data privacy laws such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and technical innovations, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), are prompting innovation in investigative due diligence.
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International Due Diligence Investigations: 4 Investigative Due Diligence in M&A
Candice Tal, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Infortal Worldwide, the sponsor of this podcast series, continue to visit to consider various aspects of international due diligence investigations. In many ways this can be viewed as finding a needle in the corporate haystack of information and data. Tal will help us through that maelstrom to find useful and actionable information for your compliance program. In Part IV, we consider compliance related due diligence in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and how it can protect companies from both financial loss and reputational damage.
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International Due Diligence Investigations: Episode 3 What is & isn’t working in Due Diligence
Over this series, I am visiting with Candice Tal, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Infortal Worldwide, the sponsor of this podcast series. We consider various aspects of international due diligence investigations. In many ways this can be viewed as finding a needle in the corporate haystack of information and data. Tal will help us through that maelstrom to find useful and actionable information for your compliance program. In Part III, we consider what works and what does not work in due diligence investigations today.
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International Due Diligence Investigations: Episode 2 Recent Enforcement Actions
During this series, I will be visiting with Candice Tal, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Infortal Worldwide, the sponsor of this podcast series. We will be considering various aspects of international due diligence investigations. In many ways this can be viewed as finding a needle in the corporate haystack of information and data. Tal will help us through that maelstrom to find useful and actionable information for your compliance program. In Part II, we consider some recent Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement actions wherein insufficient due diligence was a key takeaway.
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International due diligence investigations: Episode 1 When basic due diligence is no longer enough
Over the next five episodes, I will be visiting with Candice Tal, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Infortal Worldwide, who is the sponsor of this podcast series. We will be considering various aspects of international due diligence investigations. In many ways this can be viewed as finding a needle in the corporate haystack of information and data. Tal will help us through that maelstrom to find useful and actionable information for your compliance program. In Part I, we consider why basic Level I due diligence is not enough and how levels of due diligence are accomplished.
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Infortal’s Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses are designed to equip executives, attorneys and risk managers with strategic insights to navigate the complex landscape of geopolitical risk. We cover topics such as international sanctions, regulatory risks, corporate espionage, AML, global warfare, anti-terrorist financing and corruption.

We can help you make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks for your business.