The Infortal Blog

Tag: Risk Asessment

The Jacksonville Jaguars’ hiring misstep led to a $22 million loss due to a gambling-addicted finance manager. A valuable lessons about due diligence investigations for key roles
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We’ve taken a look at what cryptocurrency is and how it can be a risk for you and your business, but there’s more to it than that. While understanding the risks of crypto is certainly important, it’s also important to see the benefits. Cryptocurrency can be useful, but you must be careful about who you […]
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  Any business that deals with other businesses, including vendors, in other countries must be aware of the various geopolitical risks they’re opening themselves up to. While there are certainly many benefits to going global, there are also dangers that can, if not understood, result in the end of your company. The many different fines […]
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When preparing to hire an executive, form a partnership, acquire another company, or even hire a vendor, you need to do a full risk assessment so you know what potential dangers your company faces. This allows you to make an informed decision about whether the rewards are worth the risks. Make no mistake: while some […]
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I recently had the honor of speaking about various aspects of due diligence investigations with Tom Fox, The Compliance Evangelist. We explore issues ranging from deal volatility, succession liability and reputational damage in M&A transactions, to due diligence nightmares and how to prevent them. Unlocking hidden and undisclosed information that may sink the deal, cause […]
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