The Infortal Blog

Tag: Risk Management

When preparing to hire an executive, form a partnership, acquire another company, or even hire a vendor, you need to do a full risk assessment so you know what potential dangers your company faces. This allows you to make an informed decision about whether the rewards are worth the risks. Make no mistake: while some […]
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The board of directors play a critical role in a company. They represent the company and have a fiduciary duty to its shareholders and assets. While they do not participate in the day-to-day activities and decisions of a business, they do oversee strategic planning and company operations, set overall policy, exercise an oversight role, and […]
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This article is designed as a brief guideline to assist you in creating greater awareness of workplace violence issues. This information will help in preventing workplace violence and provides a brief review for post-employment termination. We also recommend reviewing Infortal’s article on Workplace Violence: Recognizing 25 Warning Signs. This article is not intended to be comprehensive and […]
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This article is designed as a brief guideline to assist you in creating greater awareness of workplace violence issues. This information will help in recognizing some of the warning signs and provides a brief review for post-employment termination. This article is not intended to be comprehensive and is not a training manual. There are myriad issues involved in […]
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I recently had the honor of speaking about various aspects of due diligence investigations with Tom Fox, The Compliance Evangelist. We explore issues ranging from deal volatility, succession liability and reputational damage in M&A transactions, to due diligence nightmares and how to prevent them. Unlocking hidden and undisclosed information that may sink the deal, cause […]
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In this 5 part series, I am visiting with Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist. We consider various aspects of international due diligence investigations. In many ways this can be viewed as finding a needle in the corporate haystack of information and data. We discussed ways through the maelstrom to find useful and actionable information for your […]
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